Tips for Selecting an Energy Contractor in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Hiring the right contractor to conduct work in your home can be daunting. Here are some key considerations when considering your next contracting partner.
  1. Check Licensing and Credentials: Each jurisdiction within the region has their own licensing requirements. You can learn more about this by visiting your county or municipalities website. Contractors must also maintain a Home Improvement Contractor Number. 
  2. Research Online Reviews: Read online reviews and ratings to learn about other customers' experiences.
  3. Get Multiple Quotes: Request quotes from different contractors to compare prices and services.
  4. Explore Financing Options: Inquire about financing plans or payment options offered by the contractor. Some contractors may have partnerships with financing institutions or offer in-house payment plans. Understanding your financing options can help you make a more informed decision and manage your budget effectively.
  5. Check References: Contact past clients to inquire about the quality of work and satisfaction.
  6. Ask About Experience: Inquire about the contractor's experience with similar projects.
  7. Get a Detailed Contract: Have a written contract outlining the scope, materials, timelines, and payment terms.
  8. Confirm Permits: Ensure the contractor will obtain necessary permits for the project.
  9. Trust Your Instincts: Pay attention to your gut feeling about the contractor and their communication skills.
  10. Affiliations: Most professional contractors belong to a trade associations, like the EAP. Check the contractors website and/or ask them about their professional memberships. 

The content above is intended for informational purposes only and is in no way intended as advice. This content was generated with the use of ChatGPT and EAP member consultation. Consult an energy professional when planning any related work in your home.